'Pokémon Z' characters news 2015: Who will be the main Pokémon of the new game?

Pokémon website

The rumor mill is at it yet again, and this time around people are speculating about which Pokémon may find itself at the heart of the upcoming " Pokémon Z" game.

Before diving headfirst into the pertinent " Pokémon Z" rumors, it's worth noting that relatively little details have actually come out even as leaks regarding this title.

There may be a reason for that, and it may be because the people behind the game will be taking 2015 off and letting their creative juices rest for a while, according to Lazygamer. The year is already more than halfway done, and we have still yet to hear any major announcements, leading many fans to believe there won't be any coming for the rest of 2015.

If Nintendo and everyone else is indeed set on simply letting the year run through without an announcement, that may be because they are gearing up for something big in 2016, namely the aforementioned " Pokémon Z." Nintendo has a lot of work left to do if they intend to release the game by next year, but they may already be getting started.

What leaks that have made their way online seem to be suggesting that " Pokémon Z" will focus a lot of attention on one Pokémon, and that is none other than Zygarde.

Zygarde is already getting a ton of hype because of his soon to be seen appearance in the " Pokémon X and Y" movie, and now the online chatter is suggesting that the movie will be used as a kind of springboard to help build towards " Pokémon Z."

A recently released trailer also introduced fans to two mysterious-looking creatures, according to iDigital Times. One of the creatures resembles a miniature blob, while the other appears to be an enormous monolith. Fans are already speculating that both of these mysterious creatures will also be related to Zygarde in some way.

For now, fans will have to wait for any more announcements to see just what may be next for Zygarde and the rest of the Pokémon.