Police collect CCTV footage in missing girl hunt

British police collected CCTV footage as they continued their search for missing nine-year-old Shannon Matthews, West Yorkshire Police said on Sunday.

Matthews was last seen at the gates of West Moor Junior School in Dewsbury in Yorkshire in the north of England on Tuesday afternoon after returning from a swimming trip.

"Significant searches of the areas where she was last seen continue to take place," West Yorkshire Police said in a statement.

"Detectives are continuing to investigate information received from members of the public including the continual recovery of CCTV for examination, and house to house enquiries are also continuing.

On Saturday police officers searched a local pond at the back of Dewsbury Hospital, while leaflets were handed out at the soccer match between Yorkshire club Leeds United and Crewe appealing for information.

Since the investigation began police have received more than 300 calls about Matthews' disappearance and have searched more than 200 houses within a half mile radius of her home.

The underwater search followed Friday's release of CCTV footage of the nine-year-old girl taken hours before she went missing.

The footage showed Matthews wearing distinctive pink and grey "Bratz" furry boots during the swimming trip.