Police Investigate New Madeleine Sighting in Belgium

|PIC1|Belgian authorities have said they are conducting DNA tests on a bottle and a straw after a possible sighting of missing British four-year-old Madeleine McCann last weekend.

A woman contacted police in the eastern town of Tongeren near the Dutch border on Saturday following seeing a couple with a small girl at a cafe by the roadside.

A prosecution spokeswoman said: "She has considerable dealings with children and she was convinced the girl was Madeleine. There is a bottle and straw that the girl probably drank from and we are testing them."

The couple were described as a Dutch-speaking man of about 40 and a English-speaking woman of around 25. Tongeren legal authorities have drawn up photo-fit pictures of the pair. The results of the DNA test should be known next week.

Madeleine went missing on a family holiday to Portugal on May 3, since when there have been dozens of possible sightings.