Pope meets Bush, urges more just society

|PIC1|Pope Benedict, making only the second visit by a pontiff to the White House, on Wednesday urged Americans and their leaders to base social and political decisions on moral principles to create a more just society.

In a visit that coincided with his 81st birthday, the Pope also called for "patient efforts of international diplomacy to resolve conflicts" and promote progress around the world.

"I come as a friend, a preacher of the Gospel and one with great respect for this vast pluralistic society," Pope Benedict said after President George W Bush welcomed him at a ceremony that included a fife and drum band in colonial garb and a 21-gun salute.

As nearly 10,000 people applauded, Bush cited the role of faith in US life, saying, "Here in America, you'll find a nation of prayer."

Bush referred to the September 11 attacks, which the Pope will commemorate when he prays at Ground Zero, the site where the World Trade Center towers once stood.

"In a world where some invoke the name of God to justify acts of terror and murder and hate, we need your message that God is love. And embracing this love is the surest way to save man from falling prey to the teaching of fanaticism and terrorism," Bush said.

The Pope smiled as the crowd sang "Happy Birthday" and was treated to a large white cake inside the White House.

In his speech, he praised the United States, sprinkling it with references to the founding fathers - citing the Declaration of Independence and the first president, George Washington.

But he made no specific references to issues such as abortion and the Iraq war, avoiding anything that could be seen as taking sides in the presidential campaign apart from saying that freedom demanded "reasoned public debate".

Benedict and Bush oppose abortion and embryonic stem cell research but differ on the Iraq war and capital punishment. As the Pope spoke, the US Supreme Court, led by Bush appointee Chief Justice John Roberts, issued a ruling clearing the way for executions to resume for the first time since September.

As US and Vatican flags fluttered, Pope Benedict concentrated on America's religious roots, which he said were a driving force in a process that "forged the soul of the nation" and won world admiration.

It was Bush who referred to abortion, a hot-button issue particularly with the presidential election in November.

"In a world where some treat life as something to be debased and discarded, we need your message that all human life is sacred...," Bush said.

A joint statement said their private talks later in the Oval Office addressed "the promotion of life, matrimony and the family," human rights and religious freedom, sustainable development, the struggle against poverty and the Middle East, particularly Iraq and the Isareli-Palestinian conflict.

"The two reaffirmed their total rejection of terrorism as well as the manipulation of religion to justify immoral and violent acts against innocents. They further touched on the need to confront terrorism with appropriate means that respect the human person and his or her rights," the statement said.


The Pope said freedom "is not only a gift but also a summons to personal responsibility" toward the less fortunate.

"Democracy can only flourish, as your founding fathers realized, when political leaders and those whom they represent are guided by truth and bring the wisdom born of firm moral principle to decisions affecting the life and future of the nation," the pope said.

Looking forward to his UN speech on Friday, the pope said the need for global solidarity is "as urgent as ever if all people are to live in a way worthy of their dignity" and secure a place at "that table which God's bounty has set for all his children."

He ended his speech with a loud "God bless America".

Later on Wednesday, the Pope was addressing US bishops to discuss the scandal of sexual abuse of children by priests, which he said had left the whole Church "deeply ashamed".

Outside the White House, some 200 people protested, with one banner reading "Catholic priests are pedophiles" and Protestant fundamentalists shouted "AntiChrist".

But the overwhelming number of people who lined his motorcade route were joyous Catholics, dancing and shaking tambourines as they waited for hours to glimpse the Pope.