Popular Beauty Expert With Suicidal Thoughts Finds Reason to Live After Meeting God

Alison Henry says she felt 'the presence of God shining down, intercepting my life at that exact moment' when she attended church service and heard the pastor spoke.(Instagram/Alison Henryy)

She came from a Christian family, lived in a beautiful house and was seemingly on a smooth road to success. And yet behind her beautiful and bubbly outward image, Alison Henry was messed up inside — full of self-hatred and thoughts of killing herself.

But everything change when she met God. But that's going ahead of the story published by God Reports.

Now a 23-year-old YouTube make-up artist with a following of more than 880,000 fans, Alison used to be a tormented teenager who lived a double life.

"In high school people would look at me and think I was normal, I was happy, there is nothing wrong with my life," she said. "I put a smile on every single day ... But I was hurting SO bad. I was messed up. I hated myself."

She wondered why she came into this world, how she would live her life and if anybody cared at all.

"I would really wish I was dead. I did really mean that. It was my little secret," she said.

Her parents sent her to a professional counsellor who prescribed anti-depressants, but they were useless. The medicine didn't work. "I'm unfixable," she said.

Alison tried to smother the pain by having boyfriends, joining weekend parties and taking alcohol and drugs. But they also didn't work.

Her best friend invited her to go to church. At first full of doubts, Alison finally caved in.

On her third visit to the church, she heard a sermon from a pastor during service. It was then that God met her.

"I knew in my heart that the pastor was talking about me," Alison said. "I can't explain to you what happened, but I promise you that the feeling that I felt was the presence of God. The entire room went quiet. I did not hear anything except him talking. It was like I was underwater. Everybody in the room seemed to go away. I didn't see anything except the pastor. I felt something that I never felt in my entire life. Obviously that was just the presence of God shining down, intercepting my life at that exact moment."

When she closed her eyes, she felt lighter as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders. She cried.

"From that day forward my life has never been the same." Alison said. "God showed me what His love is. My life took a 180 from that day."

Alison now plans to complete a business degree at college and start her own business. In the meantime, she continues to happily upload videos of make-up tutorials and fashion, a field where she has found her niche.