Portland Trailblazers NBA 2015 trade news, rumors: Batum could be traded in the Off-Season

Nicolas BatumWikipedia

Are the Portland Trailblazers in the midst of a revamp?

After LaMarcus Aldridge and Arron Afflalo, another Blazer could be leaving the fold as well – Nicolas Batum.

Batum, usually a reliable player for Portland, is coming off a dismal season. He will be entering the final year of his contract where he is set to take home $11.8 million. However, it looks like Portland may be looking at other options, including possibly trading him come draft time.

At the rate things are going, it has become evident that Portland is bound to shake up things and make major roster changes. But with most of their key players seemingly with one foot at the exit, it remains to be seen what kind of change the Blazers are looking for.

Rebuilding is not an easy recourse and for a team which had seemed to be on the rise, the Blazers may find themselves at the bottom of the standings come next NBA season, a usual image for teams in rebuilding mode. Just look at the Lakers and the Celtics who have been trying to catch up with other teams the past seasons.

For Batum, the only thing that could be a problem as far as him signing up with other teams is his hefty salary. Of course, he has proven that he deserves to be paid that much despite having a so-so performance this year.

Batum could possibly be a fit for the Lakers who are in the market for a small forward. Though questions will be of course in place on how he can rebound from a dipped performance, he could do well under a new coach in Byron Scott.

Then there is of course Kobe Bryant who can help get his confidence back, seeing that Kobe plays an indirect role in psyching the players up.

Aside from the Lakers, Batum has a lot of other teams to consider. There are the New York Knicks or even the Boston Celtics. Despite the poor showing, Batum should gain some suitors especially if Portland lets him go.