'Power Rangers' movie to cast unknown actors; Zordon, Rita Repulsa, intro leaked

Mighty Morphin Power RangersSaban

Movie information source Umberto Gonzalez of Heroic Hollywood just released several tantalizing tidbits about the upcoming reboot film of "Power Rangers." One of the first details in his reports reveals that the film is primarily going to cast unknown actors in the lead roles and that all of the titular Power Rangers will be in their late teens.

The film will serve as a reboot of the franchise and will stand separate from the television series that maintains a continuous canon since the show started in 1993, so it comes as no surprise that the studios will be hiring new faces as the Power Rangers.

According to a report from Cinema Blend, hiring unknown actors has been a tradition of the series since it began. It doesn't mean, however, that the older actors that fans are familiar with would no longer appear in some form of cameo. The report points out that Jason David Frank, who played the original Green Ranger and has been a mainstay ever since, has been expressing interest in a cameo role.

The other details leaked by Gonzales involve Rita Repulsa and Zordon. According to the report, Rita is described as an alien being that is still recognizably female and she still carries with her the iconic crescent moon-pointed staff capable of creating "Putty Soldiers" from the dirt on the ground.

Zordon is described as an old, ancient male alien being and will be introduced during the film's prologue as the Red Ranger of the Cretaceous period, when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth. According to the report, it was during this time that Zordon battled Rita and possibly trapped her in a canister which would only open in modern times, calling for the need of five teenagers to be the new Power Rangers.

The new "Power Rangers" is scheduled to hit theaters on Jan. 13, 2017.