'Power Rangers' movie news: Lionsgate rolls out first official trailer

Power RangersLionsgate

The first full-length trailer for the upcoming "Power Rangers" movie has been released, and it showcases the film's tone, the five main characters, and a short sneak peek at the main villain, Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks).

The trailer starts off by showcasing how the five main characters meet. It is implied that all of them, teenage students from the fictional town of Angel Grove, get stuck in detention together, although not all of them are really trouble-makers. It is shown that a majority of them were bullied.

It is also shown that the titular Rangers will not be summoned by Zordon (Bryan Cranston), as it was in the original show. Instead, they will come across the five Power Coins in a restricted area on their own. Another big change from the series is that the Rangers have superpowers even when they are not in their Power Ranger suit.

Some of these powers include super strength and the ability to leap great distances. There is a sequence in the clip where three of the Rangers jumped over a wide chasm.

Rita Repulsa is also shown in the trailer where she appears floating above Kimberly (Naomi Scott). Rita then mentions that she has murdered Rangers before, indicating this will not be the first time she will be going against Zordon and his band of Power Rangers. She then grabs Kimberly and throws her against a wall.

Near the end of the trailer, the five teenagers are seen in what is speculated to be the Power Rangers Command Center, and they begin to don their suits for the first time. However, just as the suits begin to cover their body the trailer cuts and ends.

As stated in a report from Polygon, while the Zords and Zordon do not make a direct appearance, they are seen in the trailer, and they may also be featured in a second trailer.

"Power Rangers" is scheduled to premiere on March 24, 2017.