Prayer is 'the most important thing', says Mark Wahlberg

Actor Mark Wahlberg poses in this file photo.REUTERS/Dylan Martinez

Ted star Mark Wahlberg is taking more time off from the gym these days, but one thing he's not leaving out of his busy schedule is his faith. 

He talked about the importance of his faith during an interview with "Today" host Harry Smith to promote his new movie, Spenser Confidential

Wahlberg said that gratitude was a big part of his faith life and that he often prays for strength and guidance, as well as how to be a good husband. 

"That's the most important thing. I take a day off, I take two days a week off from the gym now. I don't take a day off from getting on my hands and my knees and reading my prayer book and my daily devotionals and, first of all, expressing the gratitude that I have for all the blessings that have been bestowed upon me," he said. 

"And then, of course, asking for the strength and guidance to be able to use the talents and gifts that God's given me to help others and inspire and know what right is and to do so ... to be the best husband I can be, best father I can be." 

The devout Catholic went on to talk about how important it is to him that he share his faith. 

"Look, I will not hide the fact that I love the Lord and I want to be committed to serving the Lord, but I also don't jam it down anybody's throat," he said.

"But it's better to never have known God than to deny God. I mean, that's not a good look. That's not a good look." 

Wahlberg made waves a few years ago when he shared his gruelling daily routine that starts at 2:30am with prayer. 

At the time, his schedule included two daily workouts, the first at 3:40am and the second at 4pm.