Prayers for Captured British Sailors in Iran

|PIC1|World leaders are backing Britain in urging Iran to release the 15 British sailors and marines captured ten days ago, while prayers were said for the group yesterday at leading Seaman Faye Turney's home church.

Before the service, the Rev Sue Caddy, vicar of Shelton and Oxon parish said, "We are very worried about her, we have been praying for her, we are praying for their safe release and that they will be home soon with families and communities."

US President George Bush has condemned Iran's "inexcusable behaviour", while German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Britain had the "full solidarity" of the European Union.

Speaking at a Hebrew University during a visit to Israel, Mrs Merkel said: "We demand the immediate release of the 15 British soldiers."

During a news conference with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Bush said he supported Prime Minister Tony Blair's efforts to bring the situation to a peaceful conclusion.

In his first comments about the crisis, he said: "Iran must give back the hostages.

"They're innocent, they did nothing wrong, and they were summarily plucked out of waters."

The Foreign Office confirmed yesterday the British Embassy in Tehran had received and responded to a note from the Iranian government concerning an incident near the Iranian consulate in Basra, Iraq last week, but gave no details.

Iran's state news agency reported that the letter protested against an alleged incident in which British troops surrounded the consulate and fired shots in the air.

But the Ministry of Defence said today: "This is completely untrue.

"During a routine patrol by Coalition forces in the As Sarraji district, south of Basra City on Thursday, our forces were fired upon by insurgents and they then returned fire in self defence.

"It is pure coincidence that this took place in the vicinity of the Iranian Consulate."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently labelled Britain "arrogant" for failing to apologise.

In a speech in the city of Andinmeshk, he said: "Our border guards detained them with skill and bravery.

"But arrogant powers, because of their arrogant and selfish spirit, are claiming otherwise."

Officials said they do not know where the captives are and have not been allowed diplomatic access.

The latest move saw Britain send a letter to the Iranian government regarding the detained sailors and marines.

The British Government has insisted the sailors and Royal Marines were in Iraqi waters when Iranian gunboats seized them.

The European Union has demanded the "immediate and unconditional" release of the prisoners and said Britain could count on its support.

The 15 British military personnel were captured shortly after conducting a routine early morning anti-smuggling check on a merchant vessel on Friday 23 March.

Since their arrest, footage of two members of the group apparently confessing to illegally entering Iranian territory has been broadcast on TV.

Leading Seaman Turney has featured in several videos, and letters purportedly written by her have also been released, and Royal Marine Nathan Thomas Summers was shown "apologising" for entering Iranian waters "without permission".

The latest hostage to be named is Royal Marine Corporal Dean Harris, 24, from Carmarthen, west Wales.

Others have been named as Paul Barton, of Southport, Merseyside, Royal Marine Adam Sperry, 22, of Leicester, Danny Masterton, 26, of Muirkirk, Ayrshire, and Joe Tindell, 21, of south London.