Premier and MRDF say it's time to change the world

This Lent, Premier Christian Radio and the Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF) are challenging people to take simple actions that will change the world.

As high food prices threaten to push 100 million people deeper into poverty and the global economic crisis persists, the organisations have produced a radio series to remind people that they can make a difference to people living in the world’s poorest communities.

The series comprises six internet programmes and interviews on Premier’s Sunday Breakfast and based on MRDF’s study pack, What does the Bible say about changing the world?

It will focus on biblical characters and people from MRDF’s overseas work who have made an extraordinary difference. It will also give listeners ideas of simple actions they can take to empower some of the world’s most vulnerable people.

The President of the Methodist Conference, the Rev Stephen Poxon, recorded the biblical reflections for the series.

He said: "I am thrilled to be a part of Premier’s Lent series and to champion the work of MRDF.

"I recently visited its project for street children in Bangladesh, where I saw love in action as vulnerable youngsters were cared for by people who could have been doing less risky work.

"Through my reflections, I hope to encourage us to nurture this kind of selflessness in our everyday lives."

Peter Kerridge, Premier’s Chief Executive, said, "These programmes are of great importance because they do not only highlight the global crisis that we face, they offer listeners ways to respond to the issues and make a real change through MRDF."

MRDF Director Kirsty Smith said: "We are excited about our collaboration with Premier Radio for this Lent series.

"The MRDF staff have been privileged to meet ordinary people overseas, as well as within the UK, who are helping to make a tangible difference in some of the world’s poorest communities.

"We are delighted to have this opportunity to tell some of their stories and to reflect on Biblical principles that inspire us all to use what we have to change the world."

On the web: The internet programmes can be downloaded from Exclusive live interviews with people who have seen MRDF’s work first-hand will feature on Premier’s Sunday Breakfast between 8-10am until 12 April, 2009. Listeners can order MRDF’s study pack, What does the Bible say about changing the world? for use in their house groups and youth groups from