Premier Christian Radio Launch ‘On Demand’ Initiative

Premier Christian Radio is continuing its drive to expand and spread the Gospel and its broadcasting services to a wider and more far-reaching audience. Peter Kerridge, Premier’s Chief Executive has personally spearheaded the station’s latest initiative – Premier On Demand.

A new vision has emerged for Premier, facilitated by ever-increasing technological developments – Premier is looking to take full advantage of the expanding internet accessibility in the UK.

Kerridge said, "Our society has undergone a massive shift to the internet." He pointed out that in 1998, just 9% of UK households had internet access – but now this has increased significantly to nearly 60% in 2004.

The Chief Executive continued, "Clearly the use of the internet as a lifestyle is growing dramatically and it's increasingly the wave of the future to gather information, to communicate and even hear the Gospel."

Seeing this rise of the internet and its impact on today’s society, Premier has said that this has guided the Christian voice and Premier to take a new path.

Premier On Demand will mean that all of the station’s programmes that are transmitted every day, will be available for up to 90 days after first being aired – and these programmes can be accessed, and can even be sent to friends and colleagues.

Kerridge said, "Through technology we will now make available the entirety of Premier Radio's programming via the internet, and as we are streaming our programmes live from London every day, Premier On Demand will allow listeners to access any program aired over the past 90 days."

"Through this, people can send the Gospel to anyone at any time," he stated.

Premier believes that their new initiative is "essential" if they are serious at being a true Christian voice in the UK. A release from the popular London-based Christian station commented that there are thousands if not millions that will never be able to access Premier through any other means except the internet.

The Christian station indicated that the new initiative relies on the help of its listeners. Launching and sustaining Premier On Demand will require £77,000 over the next five months, and Kerridge urged Premier’s listeners to support them generously in their new development.