Premier launches campaign against sex trafficking

Premier Christian Media have launched an anti-trafficking campaign, 'Not For Sale', to draw attention to the plight of 10,000 women held against their will and treated as sex slaves in the UK.

The Christian media organisation is to campaign for the withdrawal of illicit sex trade adverts in newspapers, by appealing to publishers and also the government.

"Half of this sex trade is fuelled by the demand created through adverts in our local newspapers," said Peter Kerridge, head of Premier's Not For Sale campaign.

"Pressure has been placed on newspapers to help stop sex trafficking in the UK by refusing adverts that promote 'adult services'. As a result, earlier this year The Newspaper Society - based on representations from government ministers - released a revised guidance to member newspapers to stop accepting such ads. But there are many papers who still run the adverts."

While two major newspaper chains have agreed to comply to the new rules, there are still many others who have yet to observe these rules and refuse to display 'adult service' adverts.

Premier Christian Media are calling for supporters to begin the campaign by signing a letter of support to the Newspaper Society through their website, The media group will be covering the campaign through their radio station, Premier Radio and have also produced a short film highlighting the harsh reality of human trafficking in the UK.

"We are asking you to cut the demand for sex slaves and sign our letter of support to encourage newspapers to pull the 'adult services' advertising," said Kerridge. "It will send out an important signal that buying sex is not acceptable."