Premier Offers Lifeline as UK Divorce Rates Reaches Seven-Year High

As the divorce rate in the UK reaches a seven year high, married couples having problems with their relationship are being encouraged to seek prayer and support through Premier Lifeline.

Premier Lifeline is a helpline available from 9am to midnight everyday which is designed to offer support and prayer for Christians and non-Christians alike. Each week, over 500 calls are taken in. Amongst the recurrent matters from calls that are received, loneliness and relationships tops the list.

The astounding reality of Britain’s divorce rate which has gotten worse for the fourth successive year has instigated the call to married couples experiencing difficulties.

“Lifeline receive calls from people of all ages about marriage and divorce everyday,” said Jonathan Clark, manager of Premier Lifeline.

He continued, “Some are looking to mend their marriages and are seeking advice. Others are looking for support as they go through a divorce or separation. I’d call on anyone going through or considering a divorce to contact Premier Lifeline. We are able to offer a listening ear, discuss any Christian issue on the subject and if needs be recommend an organisation or course to attend.”

Callers are regularly referred by Premier Lifeline to take courses available at Holy Trinity Brompton church, home of the world famous Alpha Course.

Nicky Lee, who manages Holy Trinity Brompton’s Family Life department, spoke to Premier about the course: “Holy Trinity Brompton have set up a series of courses about relationships that are now spreading across the country. We run regular marriage courses for engaged and married couples looking to strengthen or repair their relationship and help them build a strong and lasting marriage.

“It’s a sad fact that divorce is on the increase and we believe it’s important to offer support to the community at all stages of life, including the end of a marriage. That’s why for many years we’ve been running the Recovering from Divorce and Separation course.”

Lee concluded, “In all our relationship courses each couple’s privacy is respected as there is no group discussion and no requirement to disclose anything about their relationship to anyone else. The courses, while based on Christian principles, are very helpful for any couple with or without a Christian faith or church background.”