Premier Radio Helps Listeners Overcome Addiction

The Christian radio station Premier Radio, has run a two week campaign to help people overcome their addictions. The campaign has met with remarkable success, with an overwhelming response from those beginning to give up their addictions, with many more calling for help with their addiction problems.

|TOP|Premier Radio’s regular show Lifeline Live began to discuss the effects of various addictions including things such as cigarettes, alcohol, gambling and even shopping. The response from listeners was a record number of phone calls and e-mails asking for help and advice on giving up their addictions.

The listeners contacted Premier Radio and their help line Lifeline, asking for prayer, advice and practical support for themselves and often friends and relatives as wells. Listeners asked for advice on all kinds of issues from problems with New Years Resolutions to more serious addictions.

Rick Easter, Premier's presenter, said: "We've had a record number of listeners contacting the Premier Worship Show during the Addictions fortnight. We've heard some amazing testimonies but also genuine calls for help. I would recommend anyone looking for further support and prayer should contact Lifeline to talk to one of our trained staff members."

One of the most prominent requests to the station’s helpline, from listeners, was for prayer, most notably for help with giving up smoking.

|AD|Manager Jonathan Clark of Lifeline said: "I've never known a single on air subject to impact the response to the Lifeline help line as our Addictions fortnight has. We are not going to stop here, Lifeline will continue to support our callers throughout the process of giving up their addictions or those of their family."

Clark continued, giving advice to those trying to overcome addiction: "If you've been calling in to Lifeline about overcoming a habit or addiction, then keep calling. It doesn't matter if you contact us twice a week or twice a day; call as often as you need help and prayer. If you can, asked a loved one to support you through this difficult time. Sometimes it's appropriate and useful to find someone giving up the same habit as you to keep up moral support, this works especially well with giving up smoking."

He continued: "Lifeline are also able to help callers find local support groups, from Alcoholics Anonymous to Church counselling. We've had a great success rate with pairing callers with an appropriate organisation who can offer them long-term support."

To hear the advice and discussions from the Lifeline Addictions series, visit the Premier website at Premier Worship, presented by Rick Easter airs every weekday from 12:00-15:00