Prepared To Do Good

|PIC1|If a man cleanses himself of the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
(2 Timothy 2:21)

The beautiful relationship between Paul and Timothy comes out in these passages. Apostle Paul is teaching Timothy the deep world of faith and emphasizing this strongly - In a large house there are articles of gold and silver – Paul is comparing the Church to a large house, a warm and comfortable place. However what is more important here?

In faith, the most difficult thing to accept is our calling by God. Initially, we go forth with our own passion and determination, with our will and thoughts - we come to think of our work as something we do to please God. What can I do to please him? – Don’t we think this a lot?

Maturing in faith and realizing our insufficiencies, however, there is conclusively something more heart-trembling that has come to us – surpassing my will and determination there is God’s Will and Determination! And what God has done for me? What God is doing for me? These things far outweighs anything I can do for Him!

Coming to experience this deep grace, this realization that it was not my own efforts, a new world opens up to us. God placed us on this earth. God made me be - it is not that I do anything nor can do anything, but that, God, who called me, justified me and saved me – is now moulding me into a precious tool – a precious article of Gold and Silver.

What is the deep Grace that is embedded in faith? That through His Word, I can become purified and holy, made useful, and prepared to do any good work.

We thought that we had chosen God, what inevitably comes to us is that God had chosen us and that realizing this we wish follow His loving will in our lives!