President Obama's plan to name a national 'monument to sin' stuns Franklin Graham

Rev. Franklin Graham says 'flaunting sin is a dangerous move.'(BGEA)

Rev. Franklin Graham is not in agreement with many of the actions taken by U.S. President Barack Obama, and one of these is the president's plan to designate a landmark in New York City as the first national monument recognising "the struggle for gay rights."

"A monument to sin? That's unbelievable," Graham writes on his Facebook page. "War heroes deserve a monument, our nation's founding fathers deserve a monument, people who have helped to make America strong deserve a monument — but a monument to sin?"

The evangelist says it does not come as any surprise that the three officials who represent New York City and support the monument are all openly gay. "I can't believe how far our country has digressed. I hope that the president will reconsider. Flaunting sin is a dangerous move. God's Word tells us, 'Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people' (Proverbs 14:34)," Graham warns.

As Election Day for America draws near, Graham says Christians need to step up in prayer so that the next person who will lead the country will bring moral values back to governance.

"We need to continue to pray for major change in Washington and in our country through whoever is elected. Let's pray for God's will to be done and that He will give this nation leaders at every level who will look to Him for wisdom and direction," he says.

Graham earlier congratulated real estate magnate Donald Trump for being the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party, but he reminded the presidential hopeful that he will need God on his side in order to succeed.

"Regardless of who your candidate of choice is—or was—remember, they are only human. Without God in the equation, they will ultimately fail. Our hope can't rest in any candidate or political party—the only hope for America is in God and His Son, Jesus Christ," Graham said.