Preston Guild’s Christian parade faces criticism

Religious leaders in Preston have expressed disappointment over a church procession taking later in the year.

People from local congregations are set to take part in the 2012 Guild Churches Procession on 3 September, while other faith communities will have a separate Community Procession four days later.

The church procession takes place only once ever 20 years but leaders from other faiths have expressed their desire to see greater inclusiveness when the next one comes round in 2032.

Lakhbir Singh Rai, general secretary of the Guru Nanak Cultural and Recreation Centre and Temple, in Ribbleton, told the Lancashire Evening Post: "We live in a diverse society, we are all equal but some are more equal than others."

Plans for the Community Parade for the non-Christian faiths were drawn up by Preston Council bosses with members of the city’s Faith Forum.

Faisal Mansoor, of Preston Muslim Society, said of the separate processions: “We don’t have a problem taking part in the community procession but it’s a bit disappointing.

“If it’s a faith and religious matter then we should all do it together.

“I think it would be better if all the faiths got together to do it on one day.”

Fr Timothy Lipscomb, vicar of Preston, told the Lancashire Evening Post that progress was being made towards a joined up parade.

He noted that even Roman Catholic churches used to hold a separate Guild procession but that this year’s parade would be ecumenical.

“I suppose one day all faiths will walk together as one. We’re getting there but you cannot walk before you can run,” he said.

“In the last 20 years, Preston has changed a great deal. We are working with other faiths and hopefully in 2032 we will all walk together.”