'Pretty Little Liars' season 6 spoilers: Aria becomes prime suspect in Charlotte's murder in episode 12

Lucy Hale as Aria Montgomery in "Pretty Little Liars"facebook.com/prettylittleliars

The next episode of "Pretty Little Liars" season 6 titled "Charlotte's Web" sees the girls playing the deadly game of Who Killed Charlotte, with Aria easily becoming the number one suspect.

While showrunner Marlene King has already cautioned that "everyone is a suspect," the pieces of evidence and the circumstances seem to point Aria as the killer and her mental breakdown, as TV Fanatic pointed out, may have helped her perpetrate the crime.

In the promo for this week's "Pretty Little Liars" season 6 episode, Aria is seen in the security footage of the hotel sneaking out to meet Ezra around the time that Charlotte's murder took place.

"I know that you left the hotel," Hanna tells her seemingly shocked and nervous gal pal. "By the time you came back, Charlotte was already dead," Emily remarks with obvious suspicion.

"It's time to tell us what happened," Hanna then says. Interestingly, Aria has her own suspicions as well. The "Pretty Little Liars" season 6 promo also shows Aria grill Ezra about his whereabouts when Charlotte was killed.

While the circumstances haven't been gracious to Aria, Alison is starting to doubt that her friends (or at least one of them) are not really as innocent as she thought they were.

To make things more confusing, however, King hinted that the people that came and went after their traumatic A crisis deserve some misgivings as well. "Pretty Little Liars" fans know very well that trust is definitely malleable in Rosewood.

"Given the girls' history with newcomers, it's fair to say that they should be cautious," the show creator told TV Line.

Is turning the girls against each other the Uber Bad's plan to make their lives a bigger nightmare once again or did a liar just take matter into her own hands to end Charlotte's wicked ways?

"Pretty Little Liars" season 6 episode 12 "Charlotte's Web" airs Jan. 19 at 8 p.m. ET on Freeform.