'Pretty Little Liars' season 6 spoilers: new promo hints that the liars have no way out

A screengrab of Mona from "Pretty Little Liars" Season 6 Game On, Charles trailerYouTube/Pretty Little Liars

The trailer for "Pretty Little Liars" season 6 has been released and it can make one's hair rise and their heart race. Thirty seconds is enough for the footage to deliver a good scare and paint a clear picture of Charles' never-ending games. 

The liars are still held captive inside the dollhouse, helpless as they assiduously find their way out of this deathquarters. The clip shows Mona's sanity slipping away and just like what Janel Parrish revealed before, her character and the rest of the liars are going to be messed up in different ways. 

Mona's voice chanting "Hush Little Baby" that echoes throughout the video gives the ultimate creeps. She stares down vacantly as she holds herself, cold, petrified and off her head. Needless to say, season 6 is a much bigger horrorfest. 

Parrish has long suggested that the sixth season of "PLL" will be about consequences. Charles makes them realize how horrible things can get when something does not go his way or more importantly, when his hostages do not behave as they should. 

"It's going to get dark," Parrish told E! Online. "We are going to be punished for our actions for trying to escape from Charles and once we do escape, there are going to be some serious repercussions and scares, emotional as well as physical. They're all going to be messed up in different ways." 

This just means that there is no getting away from the torture as Charles will not stop until he gives the liars what he thinks they deserve. They may be successful in getting out of the not-at-all-friendly dollhouse but the torment follows them wherever they go. 

Besides, fleeing unseen is already an impossible feat. Charles knows their every move as he has set up surveillance cameras all over the building, proving that he does not have the slightest interest in having them get out of the place in one piece.

The footage also shows a hooded figure lurking behind the liars as they study the dark and damp place. It also shows the girls stumbling upon a message engraved in wood that says, "He's going to kill me." 

"Pretty Little Liars" season 6 will premiere on June 2 with the episode "Game On, Charles."