'Pretty Little Liars' season 5 spoilers: Andrew Campbell set to return!

[Photo credit: ABC]

Team Andrew should be delighted to hear this news: the hot nerd in "Pretty Little Liars" will make a comeback in the new season. This is news confirmed by actor Brandon W. Jones himself.

Jones confirmed his participation in "Pretty Little Liars" Season 5 via Twitter when he posted a photo of his character's name on the table. It was captioned "Look who showed up to the table read today... #PrettyLittleLiars #AndrewCampbell"

That photo and caption was clear as day and there's no reason to doubt that Andrew Campbell will be returning this season. The last time Andrew was in "PLL" was when he helped Hasting clean the yard. It made Spencer suspicious about one of his family members, who Spencer believed may have killed Mrs. DiLaurentis. Could this be the reason why Andrew is back?  Also, Andrew surely was a threat to Spencer and Toby's relationship. Could he have the same role this time around?

Another possible reason to Andrew's return is the coming college season. According to WetPaint, Season 5B will speed up in Rosewood, which means that it's nearing the end of senior year.

"Andrew often pops up when Spencer is dealing with something terribly academic," says WetPaint. So, this might be the reason why Andrew is back. But WetPaint further says that Spencer might actually take advantage of Spencer this time.

Or a big maybe is that Andrew is actually part of the "A" game. Throughout his participation in the TV series, his story arc is far from the "A" story. The show runners could be hitting fans with a curve ball this time around. Maybe Andrew is an "A" victim or maybe, he is actually helping A, too, or... he could even be A.

Anything's possible. Fans need to check him out in the latest season of "Pretty Little Liars" to know for sure.