Pretty Little Liars season 5 spoilers: What's after Mona's death?

Rosewood weeps for Mona. #RIPMonaFacebook/Pretty Little Liars

Who ever saw that coming?

Pretty Little Liars Season 5 summer finale left fans bewildered after the death of Mona Vanderwaal. Mona may be one of the Liars' most hated persons in Rosewood, but nobody expected to see her dead. At least, not any time soon.

In Episode 12 dubbed as "Taking This One to the Grave," the Liars decided to work with Mona to unravel Ali's plans now that the group decided to turn their backs on her.

When the girls found out that Ali underwent a lie detector test as part of the investigation for the murder of Bethany Young, they all went to Mona's house because they needed her help to find out what story Ali told the cops. Though she was reluctant to help the Liars, Mona agreed to help them because she believes that Alison "stole" her life.

But after Mona told Aria that she found a huge chunk of information about how Ali was connected with Bethany, a dark hooded blonde broke into her house, and apparently, murdered her.

A lot of fans were in despair after finding out that one of the most vicious antagonists of the show is already dead. There were hopes that Mona's death could be staged, just like what Ali did a couple of years back. But according to Janel Parrish, the actress who portray the role of Mona, the original A's death is for real.

However, Parrish divulged that she will be back to show more scenes on January to round up Season 5. Though she will remain dead in the series, Mona will continuously appear in Rosewood through flashbacks.

Even the cast members of the hit ABC Family series were not expecting to see Mona's gory end. Lucy Hale, who plays the role of Aria, had a hard time grasping the idea. "This, for me, is one of the most shocking and one of the most heartbreaking episodes of Pretty Little Liars we've ever done. What happens is very heartbreaking, and I, personally, did not see it coming from a million miles away," the actress said to WetPaint.

After the season 5 summer #fAtalfinale, PLL won't be back until December for a special Christmas episode titled "How the A Stole Christmas." Aside from the fact that Spencer would be introduced to a new love interest in that episode, the creators of the series will not release any spoilers until they get closer to the release date.

Pretty Little Liars is also expected to air a Season 6 and a Season 7 after the current season.