'Prey' news: Game's official Twitter account hints at a moon expansion

A screenshot of the 2017 game "Prey," developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda SoftworksPrey official website

The official Twitter account of "Prey," posted a Tweet hinting at a possible lunar expansion for the first-person shooter (FPS) survival horror game. 

The official Twitter account of the 2017 game developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks posted a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) featuring a logo of the TranStar and the moon, captioned "Do we really know what's out there?" on March 2. Fans of the game have been actively guessing what the Tweet means and most, if not all, agree that the Tweet hints at a possible moon downloadable content (DLC).

PC Gamer reported that the Tweet may be connected to a certain Pytheas facility. According to the excerpt from Chapter 11 of Pioneers of Space Industry, by Thaylen Cross mentioned in the game, there is a facility named Pytheas that is supposedly situated in a crater on the Lunar pole, surrounded by ice. The said facility gathers psychological and behavioral data. PC Gamer believes this is the perfect place to set the possible expansion as Pytheas facility is said to be a dark, cold and terrifying workplace which has a fatal toll on its crew. 

VG247 seemed have come to the same conclusion when it reported that the game mentions a lunar colony. In addition, the British video game blog also mentioned about the sudden appearances of Twitter and Reddit accounts both named KasmaCorp. In the game, Kasma is the rival of TranStar who have gone through great lengths, even resorting to industrial espionage, to gain the upper hand. The Twitter account is said to be followed by six Arkane Studios employees. The Reddit account, on the other hand, posts binary codes in Reddit thread comments — one of which translates to "The moon is a harsh mistress."

Both Arkane Studios and Bethesda Softworks have yet to issue an official statement confirming fans' guesses.