Prince William takes part in hurricane exercise

|PIC3|Prince William has taken part in a hurricane disaster exercise in the Caribbean, the Ministry of Defence said on Thursday.
The Prince flew ashore by helicopter from the frigate HMS Iron Duke to Montserrat on Monday as the volcanic island tested the readiness of its emergency services should it be struck by a category five storm.

'Sub-Lieutenant Wales has been involved in the planning from the outset, and that's primarily in developing a plan and understanding of the nature of the infrastructure on Montserrat,' said HMS Iron Duke captain Commander Mark Newland.

'What I've seen is his ability to integrate very quickly into teams, whether it be at the command level or the very low tactical level.'

William is on a two-month attachment with the Royal Navy until August 1.

Since his attachment started HMS Iron Duke has taken part in a drugs seizure worth at least 40 million pounds.

After U.S. Coast Guards boarded a speedboat, seized 45 bales of cocaine, weighing a total of 900 kg, and arrested the five-man crew, the drugs were then transferred to HMS Iron Duke.

In April William was criticised for flying military Chinook helicopters to a bachelor party for his cousin and to his girlfriend Kate Middleton's family home.