Pro-family Groups Appeal for New York’s Marriage Laws

In New York, proponents of traditional marriage are working to defend and restore the state’s marriage laws, which were declared unconstitutional earlier this year.

In February, despite previous court rulings upholding New York’s marriage laws, Judge Doris Ling-Cohan declared the state’s laws unconstitutional in a case concerning same-sex marriage.

Now, the case, titled Hernandez v. Robles, is going before the New York Appellate Division, First Department. Liberty Counsel and the American Center for Law and Justice have joined together to represent the City Action Coalition, an organisation of pastors from diverse denominations. Liberty Counsel also represents several other groups and individuals, including Senators Ruben Diaz, Sr. and Raymond Meier, Assemblyman Daniel Hooker, business owner Michael Long, and the New York Family Policy Council.

Liberty Counsel was denied a previous request to intervene in the case, but was allowed to file a brief. Liberty Counsel filed another request for intervention on Wednesday, citing New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s support for same-sex marriage rights as evidence that the city cannot fully defend the state’s marriage laws.

President and General Counsel of Liberty Counsel, Mathew D. Staver, commented on the request.

"The state has overwhelming reason to protect the family, and the best way to protect the family is to strengthen marriage," said Staver. "This case begs for independent parties to intervene to present a vigorous defense."

Several cases have been appealed in the past weeks challenging court rulings that try to overturn state marriage laws. Earlier this month, California Attorney General Bill Lockyer filed an appeal on a San Francisco judge’s ruling that struck down the state’s same-sex marriage ban. This week, Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning filed an appeal on a May decision overturning the state’s marriage amendment.

Susan Wang
Christian Today Correspondent