Project Apollo Archive showcases over 8,400 breathtaking pictures of the moon and space

Space and astronomy fanatics will surely delight in the fact that NASA just published thousands of photos online detailing Apollo's voyages to the moon.

The images compiled and published on Flickr were those taken by Apollo astronauts during their missions, including the symbolic mission Apollo 11, as well as Apollo 17, the last moon mission conducted.

Specifically, the photos tell of the story of the missions from 1961 to 1972 and everything in between, including the triumphant voyage of the 11th Apollo mission and the near disaster that was experienced by Apollo 13.

The compilation dubbed Project Apollo Archive was organized by Kipp Teague, who's reminding everyone that the project is not from NASA but rather a personal project.

The photos, which are under government rights, also belong to the public domain.

Some of the published photos include man's first walk on the surface of the moon, which is an all too familiar image. But there was also noteworthy images that have never been seen before, just like the one that showed Gene Cernan of the Apollo 17, who posed saluting the U.S. flag on the moon.

Teague released the gallery back in 1999 but had been asked many times if he could release some of the photographs taken from the past unaltered.

"Many times over the years I've been asked if I can make them available in a more user-friendly way," Teague said, according to BBC Newsbeat. 

This time around, Teague decided to publish unedited, high-resolution photos. The final set of images were gathered from the past "four or five years" and they include Earth orbits and even breathtaking shots of walks on the moon.

Currently, there are already more than 8,400 photos that can be found in the gallery but Teague is hopeful that all 13,000 images will be released as the week comes to an end.

Truly, the high-quality, unedited photos from space are eye candies and for those who want to kill some time, viewing each of them can be a great idea.