'Project Night Road' for PS4, Xbox One latest news: New game sees 2018 release date

A photo of the Simogo logoFacebook/simogo

Recently, mobile games developer Simogo has been busy with updating their mobile games. Now, with the newer consoles already out, Simogo was finally proud to announce that they are working on a new game made for the consoles and no longer for mobile phones.

Their next game is currently called "Project Night Road." Simogo, which was previously just a two-man company with Simon Flesser and Magnus "Gordon" Gardebäck, is now partnering up with others to make the game successful.

"We're working with a number of freelancers and friends, (many of which have worked on previous Simogo games), and several of them work full time on this project," reads a blog post from Simogo.

The post continued, "Which means more project management, higher costs, and, you know, let's be honest; less time for the actual fun stuff: making a game. Which is why we've partnered with a publisher on "Project Night Road." Simogo and publisher!"

There is not much news as to what this new game might be, but it is almost sure to be out for at least one of the modern consoles: PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and maybe even the PC. The only thing mentioned was that the game already has a publisher, which they have not named yet for some reason.

Making this new game was a big step for the small company. The last sentence even reads "The 2010 version of Simogo would have laughed at the very idea."

In the past, Simogo made some popular games such as "Beat Sneak Bandit," "Device 6," and their latest game from 2015, "SPL-T." One of their games, "Year Walk," was even ported to the PC and Wii-U devices, so it is safe to say that this is not the first time the company is working with consoles.

In 2016, the company was not able to release any games, as they were busy updating all existing mobile games they have so they would not be kicked out of various app stores. Apparently, the team found the process frustrating, as they expressed on their blog.