Project Scorpio release date rumors: Microsoft launches pre-order page but won't reveal release date

Screengrabbed from the introductory video of Xbox Project

Project Scorpio is yet to have an official release date but we are definitely inching closer as Microsoft has just launched the console's pre-order page

It details a lot of what we already knew about the upcoming console and confirm some juicy updates, like 4K gaming capability.

All in all, the specs are tantalizing and certainly tick a lot of boxes for gamers. As the pre-order page boasts, the Project Scorpio will be: 

    • The most powerful console ever with 6 teraflops of graphical processing power
    • The first and only console to enable true 4K gaming and high-fidelity virtual reality
    • Compatible with all Xbox One games and accessories

Although we can't be sure when it will be out, it's likely to be timed to get the most out of the 2017 holiday season, when Microsoft will be hoping to kick its PlayStation rival into the long grass.  

For now, though, pre-orders are not actually open, it's just the official page that's gone live.  So for the timebeing, potential customers will have to sign up for email alerts from the pre-order page.

Microsoft is certainly confident about its new console, suggesting Sony's PS4 Pro console is not up to the job of delivering a true 4K experience.

"I think there are a lot of caveats they're giving customers right now around 4K. They're talking about checkerboard rendering and up-scaling and things like that," Microsoft said.

"They're going to be able to decide to take that six teraflops of power and do what they think is best for their game. But I know that 4.2 teraflops is not enough to do true 4K."

While the pre-order page is tantalizing enough, Windows Central says an insider source has revealed that Project Scorpio will sport an internal PSU, something the Xbox One S also had, and that the console will also have HEVC and VP9 codecs to support 4K streaming not only for the console's games but also for additional streaming services like Netflix. 

With the pre-order page live, Microsoft must be gearing up for an official announcement soon and we for one can't wait.