'Prometheus 2' release date, plot news: Sequel to introduce new breed of aliens; action centers on Earth

After several script changes, director Ridley Scott and his crew are all set to deliver the sequel to the 2012 science fiction film "Prometheus."

Crossmap reports that the director now has a working script "he can be happy with" after reportedly undergoing a total of 15 revisions. At the moment, they are finalizing the list of actors and other preparations before the production starts next year.

"Prometheus 2" will reportedly feature new breed of alien species. Facebook/20th Century Fox

The last time viewers saw Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) was when she launched a spacecraft in search for the Engineers' homeworld, with the help of the android David (Michael Fassbender). The scientist/archeologist was in a quest to find out why the alien race wanted to destroy humanity.

Shaw left the moon LV-223 after her alien offspring subdued the Engineer bent on killing her. Unknown to her, the extraterrestrial had pushed down an ovipositor down the villain's throat. Not long after the humanoid died, another alien creature burst out of its chest.

According to Cinemablend, Ridley will still be featuring xenomorphs in "Prometheus 2." This time, however, a new breed of alien will be introduced. He said it would be "fairly close" to the 1979 creature featured in the original "Alien" movie.

"The alien's real which is why it's probably one of the scariest monsters in film history. So with 'Prometheus 2' what I'm trying to do is reintroduce a fresher form of alien in the third act," the director said.

While it has been reported that the sequel will be set in the planet of the Engineers where Shaw was heading in the first film, new reports claim that she and David will return to Earth instead. Movie Pilot reveals that Nimrod Antal, director of Predators, have recently discussed with Scott about the possibility of the said story line.

According to him, the military that Wayland is sponsoring will shoot down the alien aircraft Shaw is in before it reaches Earth. Shaw will apparently die, but a woman hero is slated to take her place. As for the Engineers' planet, fans will get to see it on the movie's third installment.

"Prometheus 2" is rumored to be released in March 2017.