'Prometheus 2' release update: 'Alien: Paradise Lost' will feature new group of travelers

Prometheus official poster20th Century Fox

"Prometheus 2," now officially titled "Alien: Paradise Lost," will see the return of Noomi Rapace's Dr. Elizabeth Shaw and the android David, portrayed by Michael Fassbender. But according to director Ridley Scott, they won't be the only travelers in the movie.

Speaking to Awards Campaign, Scott confirmed that the film will pick up after the events of "Prometheus," which saw Shaw and David - his head, at least - escaping LV-223 aboard an Engineer spacecraft. Shaw stated that she intended to head to the Engineer home planet to discover why they created humans and their biological weapons.

When asked if the film would follow the same aesthetic of the first "Promethus" film, Scott replied, "it's going to be its own separate thing because they are going to the planet of the Engineers and they are going to see what happened there. It was a disaster."

However, Shaw and David won't be alone in their arrival to the Engineer home planet.

"They will be in that alien craft that takes them there, but with a new group that's incoming, a new group of travelers in the beginning of the first act," Scott explained.

The director did not elaborate if this second group is a follow-up team from Weyland Corporation, a group of military soldiers, or innocent by-standers that come across the planet by mistake. It is unlikely that their arrival along with Shaw's is purely coincidental.

According to a report from Screen Rant, it is possible that this group of travelers may be tied with Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver). Fans speculate that the events of "Alien: Paradise Lost" might lead to the event of an Engineer ship carrying Xenomorph eggs getting stranded on the planet/moon LV-426, the setting of the first "Alien" film.

"Alien: Paradise Lost" is expected to begin production in 2016 and release in 2017 and will later be followed by Neill Blomkamp's "Alien 5" in 2018.