Protest Outside Vietnamese Embassy

Protestors gathered outside the Vietnamese Embassy in London at 1pm on July 8th to demonstrate against the imprisonment of a Christian human rights campaigner and that of other Christians.

Reverend Nguyen Hong Quang, a lawyer and Mennonite minister, was arrested and his offices were ransacked on June 8th. The protest marks one month since he was arrested. It was believed that the publishing of articles attacking the legal basis for the imprisonment of Christians led to his arrest.

Demonstrators chained themselves to a bamboo cage outside the Embassy in protest. One person represented Rev Quang and was kept inside the 'bamboo prison'. The others prayed, lit candles of hope and gave speeches. It was hoped the Embassy would receive an official letter of protest.

Four months ago, four Mennonites were arrested and some were badly beaten while in custody. Rev Quang published essays on the internet exposing this infringement of Vietnam's own laws and their international obligations. It would appear that one of these prisoners was pressured or tortured to provide 'evidence' against Rev Quang. The authorities have tried to isolate him from other Christian leaders.

However, leaders of the Vietnam Evangelical Fellowship, of which Rev Quang and the Mennonite house churches are active members, courageously circulated a strong letter voicing support and solidarity.

Rev Quang has been imprisoned on several occasions for his human rights work. He has documented repression of religious freedom and other human rights abuses and has exposed Vietnam's breeches of its own laws.

This demonstration organised by Christian Solidarity Worldwide, is supported by the Lawyers Christian Fellowship, the London Mennonite Centre and Release International.

The Advocacy Director of CSW, Tina Lambert said: "Rev Quang has taken a brave stand against human rights abuses in Vietnam and the authorities are trying to silence him. It is our privilege to take this stand with him and to speak out on his behalf."

"The practice of Christianity is severely restricted in Vietnam. Rev Quang's arrest highlights not only the injustice against one believer, but the widespread systematic abuse of Christians that he has been exposing. Severe repression and brutality characterise Vietnam's religious policy, warranting stronger international measures."