PSN back up after hacking attack by Lizard Squad

PlayStation Network hacked by notorious Lizard

Sony confirmed that PlayStation is now up and running after it suffered another hacking incident by the hacking group called Lizard Squad. The same group attacked the Xbox Live service last week. 

PlayStation players were annoyed when they were unable to access their accounts last weekend. Gamers were greeted with "Page Not Found! It's not you. It's the Internet's fault" when they tried to sign in. Developers were able to resolve the issue on Sunday after the network signed off from 6:52 p.m. to 9:18 p.m. Some players said they were able to log in on Monday. 

Before PlayStation confirmed the breach, hacking group Lizard Squad claimed responsibility for the attack through Twitter announcing that it brought down the server. 

"PSN Login #offline #LizardSquad," reads the tweet by the hacking group. 

PlayStation confirmed that it is investigating the attack. 

Lizard Squad attack not over yet 

This is not the first time that Sony suffered an attack from the notorious hacking group. Lizard Squad also temporarily shut down the PlayStation Network in August by overwhelming it with traffic. Moreover, the squad temporarily halted the Xbox Live service last week. 

After disrupting Xbox services, Lizard Squad asked followers who to target next. Obviously, it was PSN. However, hacking attacks are far from over as Lizard Squad announced that it was just prepping up for the holiday season. The group will most likely shut down other servers this Christmas. The motive of the group is still unclear. 

Other hacking incidents 

It seems that Sony has been unlucky lately as it suffered a security breach on Nov. 24. The attack was directed at Sony's film and TV arm and resulted to the leaking of four unreleased films under Sony Pictures including the highly anticipated "Annie." The movies spread like wildfire in various file-sharing sites. 

Another hacking group dubbed as "Guardians of the Peace" was reportedly responsible for the attack. The group acquired unspecified data and information from Sony Pictures and threatened employees that it will reveal the information to the public if their demands are not met.