Public meeting on trans ideology in schools forced to change venues over protest fears

(Photo: Unsplash/Jessica Lewis)

A public meeting to discuss the harm being caused to children by school transgender policies has been forced to change venues twice because of concerns over protests by trans activists. 

The event, called 'Are Schools Harming Children By Affirming Their Transgender Identity', was originally due to be held at a church in Dundee, Scotland, but was cancelled because of safeguarding concerns over a possible counter-protest by trans activists. 

A city gallery then agreed to host the event but subsequently changed its mind after deciding that the meeting was "political" in nature. 

The meeting is now going forward at the city's Gate Church on 12 April at 6:30pm. 

It has been organised by Abertay University sociologist and criminologist, Dr Stuart Waiton, who recently founded the Scottish Union for Education (SUE) to resist the promotion of transgender ideology in schools.

The main speaker is veteran SNP politician Jim Sillars, who will be joined by SUE board member and community paediatrician, Dr Jenny Cunningham, Evening Telegraph columnist Ewan Gurr, and social worker Maggie Mellon.

Dr Waiton said many parents and teachers had approached SUE with concerns about "indoctrination" taking place in Scottish schools. 

They include one parent who said they had been visited by the police and warned under the Communications Act 2003 to stop asserting that "women have vaginas". 

Another reported that a trans activist teacher was "essentially creating a transgender classroom for P4 pupils".

Dr Waiton said that schools were "tragically" endorsing an affirmative approach and "helping to facilitate and arguably to encourage the number of transitioning children".

Teachers are being instructed to hide a child's desire to transition from parents, while parents are increasingly being seen as "a problem, potentially even as a child protection concern" if they raise concerns, he continued.

"Schools are being pressurised to adopt a gender fluid and pro-transitioning perspective. Even primary schools are advised to educate young children about gender identities," he said. 

The meeting will discussion questions about the trend and what teachers, headteachers and parents can do about it.

"We are enormously grateful to the Gate Church who have granted us what seems like sanctuary to enable us to host this event which is aimed at discussing fundamentally important issues which our society is confronting on a daily basis," he said. 

"At the moment we appear to be living in a climate where trans activists can disrupt and potentially destroy public events of this kind and get away with it.

"At times we have witnessed the police standing by or standing back and doing little or nothing to ensure that open public discussions about transgender ideology can take place, while councils are often nervous or even obstructive when events of this kind are being organised.

"This is a threat to democracy."

He added: "The discussion is open to all but only if those attending are prepared to discuss rather than disrupt this event."

The public meeting is free to attend but requires registration via EventBrite.