Pupil arrested after girl is stabbed

LONDON - A 14-year-old boy has been arrested following the stabbing of a girl, 13, outside a south London school, police said on Thursday.

The girl, who has not been named, suffered minor wounds to her chest and thigh in the latest of a spate of stabbings among young people over the past year which have led to widespread calls for action on knife crime.

Police received a call at about 4 p.m. on Wednesday saying she was being stabbed outside the Sacred Heart School in Southwark.

The boy, also unnamed, was arrested shortly after the incident and was bailed to return to a police station pending further enquiries.

The arguing pair had agreed to meet outside the school at the end of lessons and a fight broke out.

Detective Chief Inspector David Ainscough from Southwark Police said: "We are working closely with the school to establish the full circumstances of this incident which we are treating as a dispute between two pupils.

"This type of incident is unacceptable and is being thoroughly investigated. I would urge anyone with information to contact police."