Purpose Driven Life European Conference to be Held in the UK

The European Purpose Driven Life Conference will soon be held in the UK from 19th – 21st July. It is expected to draw a huge number of church leaders and Christians.

Purpose Driven is a Church health model that provides pastoral teams with a unique, biblically-based approach to establishing, transforming, and maintaining a balanced, growing congregation that seeks to fulfil the God-given purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and missions.

The conference will take place at the Nottingham Arena, the UK's Premier Venue. Founder of the Purpose Driven Life concept, Rick Warren and his wife Kay will be leading the conference. The three-day conference aims to stimulate creativity, sharpen skills as well as providing spiritual encouragement.

According to David Beer, Purpose Driven Europe Regional Co-ordinator, a group of over 350,000 pastors and church leaders from all around the world have already taken the Purpose Driven Life training.

Rick Warren is the founding Pastor of Saddleback Valley Community Church in Lake Forest California, which he started 25 years ago. The church has since grown to over 20,000 in weekly attendance. Saddleback has also planted many other churches. The health and sustained church growth is only achieved through a balanced focus on worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism, says Warren.

In the light of the spiritual decline across Europe, the conference is a rare opportunity for European church leaders and members with a vision for their church to meet together to learn. It is hoped that they then will return to their churches with fresh, renewed enthusiasm for a revival.

The Conference sessions will address such issues as:
- Attracting and Keeping A Crowd
- Worship That Is A Witness
- Building Your Congregation
- Discipling New Christians
- Motivating and Empowering People for Serving
- What Makes a Healthy Church?
- Leading Your Church Through Change

There will also be the opportunity to hear more about the exciting programmes 40 Days of Purpose, and 40 Days of Community.

The European Purpose Driven Life Conference is supported by the Evangelical Alliance UK, Premier Christian Radio and the Scripture Union among others.