Python kills two boys sleeping (VIDEO): 14 foot African rock python slithered up ventilation duct of pet shop, fell through ceiling into home

Tragedy - Connor Barth, 7, and his brother Noah, 5, were killed by the python.Facebook

A python escaped from a pet shop and strangled two young boys, aged 5 and 7, to death.

Officials believe that the 100-pound snake escaped from its enclosure and slithered up the ventilations ducts of the pet shop into the apartments located above.

Connor Barth, 7, and his brother Noah, 5, were staying overnight at a friend's apartment above the pet shop, located in the province of New Brunswick in Canada.

The Royal Canadian Police issued a statement, confirming that they received calls reporting that the two boys were found dead. They stated that they believe that the python had strangled the two boys.

"The preliminary investigation has led police to believe that a large exotic snake had escaped its enclosure at the store sometime overnight, and got into the ventilation system, then into the upstairs apartment."

A photo of an African Rock Python from Jean-Claude Savoie's Facebook. This could be the snake that strangled the two boys to death as they slept in his apartment above the pet shop.Facebook

Jean-Claude Savoie, who lives above the pet shop, said he went to check on the two boys at around 6.30 a.m. Monday morning. In an interview with Canadian news stations, he said: "They were sleeping. But they didn't even open their eyes or nothing. I thought they were sleeping until I [saw] the hole in the ceiling. I turned the lights on and I [saw] this horrific scene."

He continued: "[The snake] went through a ventilation system. I don't understand how it did it. It went through the ceiling... and the snake fell into the living room from the ceiling."

The young boys were sons of Savoie's best friend, Mandy Trecartin, and they often slept over at his house in the living room. He was hosting the boys and his own son was sleeping in another room. He was not harmed.

He told the Global News, "My body is in shock. I don't know what to think. I feel like they're my kids."

A criminal investigation is underway but no charges have been made as of this morning. Post-mortem examination are also underway.

Savoie found the snake coiled in a hole near the two boys' bodies and put it in a cage. He believes that the snake, which he owned for over 10 years, slithered through the ventilation ducts into the ceiling of his apartment, before falling through and landing on the boys, before strangling them as they slept.

It is not known how the 100-pound 14-foot African Rock Python e, which was described as vicious and rarely handled, got loose.

The small city is in shock by the tragic deaths of the boys.

Reptile Ocean, Savoie's exotic pet store where the python escaped from, released a statement on Facebook:"Deepest sympathies goes out to the family of the children. A terrible accident without a meaning."

Along with numerous snakes, Reptile Ocean is home to other reptiles, including crocodiles, tarantulas, tortoises.