Quarter of Britons Testify God has Intervened in Their Lives

|TOP|Twenty-five percent of the British population has testified that God has intervened in their lives, according to a recent survey by Premier Christian Radio.

The results of the poll, conducted by Communicate Research for Premier radio state that God has intervened in their lives offering guidance, protection and comfort during grieving.

Premier's Chief Executive, the Reverend Peter Kerridge commented, “Many non Christians think that because they don't have an active relationship with God that He won't be there for them.

“As a Christian radio station, we're here to remind people that simply isn't the case. Anyone can call on God for help, support and guidance and we believe that Jesus is and was God's way of answering that call.”

|AD|Over 2000 people were surveyed on behalf of Premier. Of those who felt God's intervention, most felt God's guidance and protection during illness and bereavement.

Other areas where God was detected were answering prayers and decision making.

Some of those surveyed admitted to knowing of God's actions in the lives of their friends and family, even if they had not personally felt it.

This recognition appeared in a variety of instances including assistance with marriage, children and relationships, as well as awareness of a spiritual or higher power.

Kerridge encouraged those Christians with family or friends who had felt similar experiences to invite them to church or to contact Premier Lifeline for further advice.

He concluded, “We've now seen the results of this survey, proving that non-Christians are recognising God in their lives. This is the time to act, to turn those experiences into the beginning of a relationship with God.”