'Rainbow Six: Siege' rumors: Game to get another Season Pass


"Rainbow Six: Siege" is almost one year old, and it seems that Ubisoft might be planning for the game to have another Season Pass on its first year anniversary.

According to Game Spot, this rumor seems to be originating from a leaked survey shared on Reddit. In this survey, Ubisoft asks about some things that might pique interest should it have a future season pass. Furthermore, based on the leaked parts of the survey, it seems that some of the possible perks for the game's season pass holders include exclusive monthly skins, new uniforms and more exclusive items that help in character customization. However, when this website tried calling the game company for their comment, they declined to answer.

However, considering the fact that the first season pass was only intended to cover the game's first  year, it is not really surprising for "Rainbow Six: Siege" to get a second season pass. After all, this announcement has opened doors to the possibility of other season passes for the game's subsequent years in the market, and as such some users are excited to see how it will play out in the coming months.

Unlike other season passes, this game offers an early access to the game's newest content, such as the operators in the game's free DLC packs, as well as exclusive cosmetic items and in-game store discounts. Also, other perks for these season pass holders is also unlike other FPS games such as "Call of Duty" or "Battlefield" since it does not split up its player base with the exclusive maps for premium players.

However, PC Advisor reports that while a second season pass is not really a surprise, it could be potentially risky. Regardless, if Ubisoft sticks to the features given by the first season pass, it might just turn out for the better.