Rapid Response by Churches to Help Paraguayan Fire Victims

With a rising death toll from a devastating supermarket fire, Paraguayan churches and Christian organisations have taken immediate action to assist families of those who were killed in the tragedy.

The fire killed at least 364 people on Sunday 1st August, and started just before midday when the supermarket was experiencing its busiest hours. The complex was destroyed in less than half an hour. Officials said the fire was caused by a gas explosion near the food court, firefighters had found the main doors shut.

When the blaze broke out, the large Christian Community of Asuncion church, which is located a half block from the store, was about to finish the Sunday Service at 11:30a.m. Many church members rushed to the scene to help rescue people from the store.

Other churches also responded quickly to provide physical items and moral spiritual support. The Assemblies of God have activated their large Social Service Ministry to provide food and counselling to grieving families. They sent members to a range of churches, the scene of the accident and to the make-shift morgues to pray with people, to support the staff and whatever else was needed.

The Methodist churches sent many of the medical supplies that they had in their storage area for the Mobile Medical Clinic. Pastors and members also went to the scene to help wherever possible. Many other congregations in other areas also gathered medicine, food and other goods to donate to those in need of help.

The local pastor's association has established a telephone hotline for families of victims to call for help. It has also provided the government with a list of pastors who have offered their services to provide counselling and spiritual advice.

Radio Obedira, a local Christian radio station, has provided a network of Christian counsellors and psychologists to assist as needed.

The Pastor's Association issued a statement through the Paraguayan Bible Society saying "at this moment as we are feeling deeply dismayed, we express our solidarity with those who cry over the irreplaceable loss of their loved ones. We offer our prayers to our all-powerful God that He will permit us to share the glorious hope of life eternal with Jesus Christ."