'Real Housewives of Atlanta' news: Kenya Moore 'devastated' after learning boyfriend is a married man

Kenya Moore and James FreemanInstagram/ thekenyamoore

Kenya Moore thought that she has finally found love after meeting James Freeman on 'The Millionaire Matchmaker'. But the 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' star's romance with the businessman wasn't meant to be as she revealed that she had found out about Freeman's April 3 marriage via social media.

Moore took to Instagram earlier this week and wrote, "Unfortunately, I just learned today that the man I met and fell in love with from Millionaire Matchmaker was married a week after the show aired. I am astounded and devastated to have learned of this news via social media as opposed to from him directly."

However, the reality star remains optimistic as she added, "I still believe in love and my heart remains open to the man God has for me. I wish him well."

Freeman, who owns a commercial real estate firm, is reported to have tied the knot with a pro beach volleyball player, Jaimi Gregory, according to HitsHowToWatch.com.

The March 22 episode of 'Millionaire Matchmaker' was filmed two months before it was broadcast but Moore posted a picture on Instagram of her and Freeman together following the episode to let fans know that they were still dating.

The photo shows Freeman with his arm around her as they had dessert at a restaurant. The photo was captioned, "Sometimes you can spend your whole life looking for Prince Charming when a King arrives."

After Moore's revelation of Freeman's status, Gregory told Radar Online that while Freeman did go on some dates with Moore, he told her that they "just kissed and nothing else."

"Kenya wrote to him saying that they should celebrate since their ratings were so high," Gregory told the website. "But he told her that he had met someone and fell in love so it wasn't appropriate for him to talk with her anymore."

According to Gregory, Freeman was on the show on September 2014 and they met in December. "Three months later we were engaged," said the pro volleyball player. "Then on Good Friday, April 3, 2015 we got married."