Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 7 cast, spoilers: Vanderpump U-turning? Yolanda, Kathryn exit confirmed, Camile Grammer might return

What will "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" season 7 be like after the drama-filled season 6 finale?Bravo TV

Talking of major stirr-ups in RHOBH Cast, Yolanda Hadid and Kathryn Edwards have already announced their exit. As far as other old timers on the show are concerned their departure or continuation on the show has not been expressed in any certain terms though a couple of stars have announced their decisions to leave followed by decisions to stay which only adds to the uncertainity. So can we even trust them when they say they are planning to leave? Mostly these announcements have been dubbed publicity stunts.

Kyle Richards recently revealed that her sister Kim might returnt o the show and brushed off criticism that the show might actually be a major stressor in her life thus leading her toharmful and wayward activitiesin real life. She insists that the show infact helps keep her sister grounded in reality and is good for her day to day life.

Vanderpump, who had been in the news for wanting to say a fial goodbye to the series over the way she had recently been treated by her colleagues at the reality show, has decided to stay rather unexpectidly. She maintains that it is an altruistic gesture rather than a personal one aimed at fame or fortune. It is her charity causes that would suffer if she were to leave and hence her decision to stay put and brave the storm.

Meanwhile some new faces will be seen on the show including a supposed close friend of one of the leading ladies. Dorit Kemslay is set to join th team as a friend of Lisa's. In fact, Camile Grammer has been rumoured to rejoin after she was demoted a few years ago. It has been widely discussed whether the presence of new faces every season is good or bad for the series since newbies tend to shake things up just when they seem to be settling down. While that does create some uncertainity, perhaps thats just what keeps the reality show going. 

As for what the housewives in Beverly Hill are upto, some just want to be lieve that they are trying their best to just be 'better housewives'. Now considering recent displays of behaviour and cordiality on the show, it takes little time to say that these hosueives have been upto anything but good behaviour and who knows what might be cooking for the new season!