'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' update: Yolanda Foster faces Lyme disease battle

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Yolanda FosterWikipedia

Despite the pain, "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Yolanda Foster tries to be a source of hope for other Lyme disease patients like her. 

Over the weekend, the Bravo reality show star posted a photo on her Instagram account wherein she can be seen looking terribly ill with an IV attached to her arm, with the caption, "No matter how much it hurts, you have to keep going....... #NoteToSelf #WeMustFindACure #ChronicNeuroLymeDisease #TwoYearNineMonthNightMar #GermanyDay7" 

The former supermodel admitted that she has been struggling with the infectious disease since 2012, and has repeatedly discussed in their hit reality show the pain that the ailment brings and all its other symptoms like headache, fever, and fatigue.

Foster has been searching for the cure for her long-time suffering, which even brought her to different parts of the world like Mexico, Singapore, and now Germany. But it seems like her battle is still far from over. 

Early this year, the reality show star and mother of three revealed that she lost her ability to read or write because of the complications of the disease.

"I unfortunately have lost the ability to do [write] in an intelligent matter at this time," Foster said in a message to Bravotv.com. "It feels like someone came in and confiscated my brain and tied my hands behind my back to just watch and see life go by without me participating in it." 

Although there is no known treatment for Lyme disease at the moment, there are other medications that can be used to help ease the pain. But for those who have severe cases like Foster's, her symptoms could possibly take years before it can be cured. 

Lyme disease is caused by a bite of infected insects like deer ticks. Its usual symptoms include a big red rash, fever, fatigue, headache, and shooting pains in the arms and legs. If untreated, it could also develop joint paints and memory problems.