'Real Housewives of Orange County' stars Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson patch up fractured friendship in Iceland

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The reality show "Real Housewives of Orange County" was rocked with fear on Monday when Vicki Gunvalson was rushed to the hospital after suffering what was initially thought as a heart attack. While it turned out to be just a panic attack, it was enough to move Tamra Judge to reevaluate their fractured friendship.

The two shared a sincere and spontaneous conversation during their stay in Iceland mere hours after Gunvalson returned from the hospital where she received medical attention. "Seeing Vicki being taken off to the hospital kind of puts things in perspective," Judge admitted to viewers.

The former friends have not been seeing eye-to-eye for several months now. Fans would remember that Gunvalson assisted in spreading the rumors that Judge's husband, Eddie, as gay.

Gunvalson, on the other hand, found Judge's behavior to be mean when she reminded her of her involvement in her ex-boyfriend Brook Ayers' cancer scam.

During one of their previous conversations, Gunvalson also claimed that Judge's husband only married her so he could open a gym. This remark sent Judge storming off the room in anger.

However, both women seemed very sincere about fixing their relationship when they talked after Gunvalson's hospitalization. They brought up past differences, which led them to the root of their issues.

Gunvalson thought Judge was spreading rumors about her husband Brooks. Judge defended herself, saying that she was looking out for her friend.

"I was your friend, Vicki," Judge said, before adding, "I wanted you to be happy. I knew he was lying to you."

"I fought for you," she continued. "I wanted you as a friend. I loved you as a friend and you chose him over me."

Although Gunvalson did not admit that she was wrong, she did share her true feelings. "I have no desire to hurt you," she said. "We should have never lost our friendship over a man."

Only time will tell if this will be a new chapter in the relationship between Judge and Gunvalson, or if they would be at odds again when they return to Orange County.