Reconciliation for Russian Orthodox Church

Reports have emerged that an historical split between the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate and a breakaway church-in-exile that dates back to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution will be formally ended in May next year.

A document is set to be signed by Patriarch Alexy II of Russia and the New York-based leader of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, Metropolitan Laurus, which will give formal recognition to the reunification.

Following this, a joint service will be held in Moscow on 17th May to mark the historical turn of events.

Metropolitan Kirill, the Russian Orthodox Church's head of external relations said, "There are questions that need to be settled, but these are formal details that will not influence the reunification act."

Earlier this year, members of the exiled church in California voted in favour to urge bishops to rejoin the church HQ.

Under proposals, each church will maintain control over their own bishops, however, priests will be given powers to participate and hold Mass in both churches.

In addition, cooperation has been agreed in vital areas such as religious education, youth programs, as well as missionary activities.