Record Breaking Rainfall Figures

The Met Office yesterday revealed that the three months from May to July 2007 have broken previous records for this period, even before July is over.

Provisional figures from the Met Office show that 387.6mm of rain have already fallen across England and Wales, making it the wettest May to July since EWP records began in 1766.

These figures will come as no surprise to many across England and Wales who have suffered flooding from the exceptionally heavy rainfall experienced in June and July.

The extreme rainfall in June, where 103.1mm of rain fell at Fylingdales, North Yorkshire was followed by a similar event in July when Pershore College in Worcestershire recorded 120.8mm of rain on 20 July. Both events resulted in extensive flooding across parts of England and Wales.

Recent Met Office research undertaken in partnership with Environment Canada has shown, for the first time, a link between human activity and global rainfall patterns.

Peter Stott, climate scientist at the Met Office Hadley Centre said: "This latest study can not make the link between climate change and what we have experienced so far this summer.

"However, with a warmer climate there could be an increase in extreme rainfall events despite the expected general trend toward drier summers."

The Met Office works with government, the public and the private sector to forecast and advise on the possible consequences and risks of climate change.

"With the 'normal' baselines changing, we all need to seek advice to make informed planning decisions and begin to put in place adaptation measures to meet the challenges posed by climate change," said the Met Office.