Red Cross condemns Abuses of Humanitarian Laws in Iraq

The International Red Cross has made an unprecedented appeal for an end to human rights abuses in Iraq. The aid agency said it was “deeply concerned” that the fighting in the country was having such an impact, and it expressed its dismay at the failure of all sides in the lingering conflict to respect international humanitarian laws.

Pierre Kraehenbuehl, the International Committee of the Red Cross operations director said, “As hostilities continue in Falluja and elsewhere, every day seems to bring news of yet another act of utter contempt for the most basic tenet of humanity; the obligation to protect human life and dignity.”

He also pointed out that international humanitarian laws expressly prohibits the killing of any person who is not actively taking part in combat – or has even ceased to do so. He added, “We are deeply concerned by the devastating impact that the fighting in Iraq is having.”

Violence has continued to be seen across the country. In Falluja, US Marines and soldiers are still battling pockets of resistance, however, further atrocities were witnessed when insurgents waved white flags of surrender, only to then open fire on approaching US troops causing numerous casualties, reported Marine spokesman Lt. Lyle Gilbert.

A more heartening development though came to the news front yesterday, when a Polish woman abducted last month in Baghdad reappeared after being released. Teresa Khalifa, 54, refused to say how she managed to be freed, but simply stated that her captors had treated her ‘properly’, and that they told her the treatment was “motivated by their religious beliefs”.

Last week, the world was shaken and appalled by the killing of CARE international’s head of operations, Margaret Hassan, and the reports of further killings of unarmed men in the battle of Falluja.

However, good news has still risen from the depths of despair for Iraq’s new government and its international backers. The US, Germany and other European countries promoted a great spirit of compassion and togetherness by taking major strides towards writing off a large portion of the £90 million debt that Saddam Hussein’s regime owed to foreign donors.

Up to 80% of the pre-war debt may be cleared completely, which gives hope of boosting Iraq’s ever-fragile economy. The cancellation of the debt has been a major area of common ground between the US and other European powers, which gives hope of further advances in the future.