'Red Dead Redemption 2' release date update: after E3 no-show, when will Rockstar present game?

Red Dead RedemptionRockstar Games

Rockstar was present during this year's E3, but contrary to the rumors, the developers did not present or announce "Red Dead Redemption 2." As stated by University Herald, rumors began spreading that the presentation was pulled out of respect for the families and victims of the recent Orlando shooting in which 49 people died. 

According to Metro, there was supposed to be a trailer where the main protagonist walks into a saloon and guns down everyone inside, mirroring what happened to the club in Orlando where the shootout occurred. However, this rumor has since been debunked by Adam Boyes, the vice president of Third Party Relations & Developer Technology Group for PlayStation. 

Responding to the rumor via Twitter, Boyes stated firmly "No, this is not true. The length and content we showed has been locked and unchanged for months."

Despite this, the hopes of "Red Dead Redemption 2" being announced is still speculated. University Herald points out that Take-Two Interactive and Rockstar don't solely depend on the E3 to make their big announcements and presentations and it is possible that the game is just too early in development for them to cobble up a decent trailer. 

If this proves true then an announcement trailer may be expected before the end of the year, presumably around the holidays. Some fans speculate that the developers will make an announcement once the Playstation Neo, the upgraded PS4 which will be compatible with 4K televisions and have slightly more power, is launched to the public.

With no official news regarding the status of "Red Dead Redemption 2," information is scarce and unlikely to be true. However, it was previously reported that some tidbits have been leaked and it is possible that the game is a prequel, focusing on events and an anti-hero that take place a few years prior to the first game. This has yet to be confirmed.