'Red Dead Redemption 2' release date: No August announcement planned?

Will "Red Dead Redemption 2" be released this month?Rockstar

There are reports flying around that "Red Dead Redemption 2" will be launched this month during the Gamescom 2016 event at Cologne, Germany, but this might not pan out after all.

The rumor mill opined that the long-awaited sequel will finally see the light of day this August and this is reportedly why Take-Two Interactive, the parent series of Rockstar Games, which is  the studio behind "Red Dead Redemption," will be participating in the event.

Adding fuel to the fire about the purported "Red Dead Redemption 2" August announcement is the fact that Take-Two promised early this year to reveal upcoming Rockstar titles "soon."

However, Gaming Bolt is claiming that the new iteration of the Western shooter will not pay a visit at Gamescom. The publication says that there are a lot of reasons "Red Dead Redemption 2" will skip the convention.

First is the fact that this year's Gamescom will be the most unfilled yet with the big three – Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo – not taking part in the festivities.

The publication also points out that Take-Two is not all about Rockstar as it also runs other studios like 2K Games. It also has an entire selection of games in development that could end up at Gamescom rather than "Red Dead Redemption 2."

This means that it might (taking into account the idea that the event is no place for massive reveals and announcements) end up giving gamers a good look at "WWE 2K17" or "NBA 2K17" at the event.

Rockstar and Take-Two are expected to lift the veil off a title as big as "Red Dead Redemption 2" in the same way it launched "Grand Theft Auto 5," which is an announcement on their website.

The companies are expected to drop the game when fans least expect it for the element of surprise. While "Red Dead Redemption 2" is believed to be revealed soon, fans could be in for a disappointment if they expected an August release.

As for when the game will actually be out, rumors say that "Red Dead Redemption 2" is all set for its big entrance and Rockstar is just waiting for the perfect time to launch it.