'Red Dead Redemption 2' release date: Game among Rockstar's 2016 offering

Facebook courtesy of "Red Dead Redemption"

If the latest round of rumors are to be believed, then "Red Dead Redemption 2" may be closer to being a reality than ever before.

There were actually two tipsters that hinted at Rockstar's plans recently.

The first tipster, who introduced himself as Danny Ross and as a former Rockstar employee, hinted at what he knew during a recent Q&A session on Reddit. In response to a question about what Rockstar has planned next, the tipster delivered a cryptic reply, but many of those who saw it have decided that there is more to his answer than what it appears to be on the surface.

According to iDigital Times, Ross may have hinted at "Red Dead Redemption 2." The website was also quick to note that Ross does not work with Rockstar anymore, and that there's no way to even know if the tipster is even Ross himself. The clue would appear to be suspect at best, and its credibility may be more reliant on what fans want to hear at this point.

Ross is not the only tipster to step forward recently.

Another Reddit user, who goes by the username "AnonDN1978," also took to the website to disclose some details about "Red Dead Redemption 2."

According to the tipster, the upcoming game will actually be known as "Red Dead Redemption 2: Legends of the Old West." The tipster also mentioned that Seth and Irish would be back in the upcoming game, and that storylines will be featuring them very prominently. Apparently, there will also be a third character that players can customize.

According to The Inquisitr, this particular tipster is speaking out because he/she is not happy with Rockstar.

Whether or not the claims are accurate is another matter, although the three character system is a feature that has been mentioned quite often in rumors regarding "Red Dead Redemption 2."

With 2015 winding down, fans will know soon enough what Rockstar's plans actually are, and if that will finally include "Red Dead Redemption 2."