'Red Dead Redemption 2' rumors - leaked map hints title will be a prequel

Red Dead RedemptionRockstar Games

18 April - ever since "Red Dead Redemption" launched fans have been clamoring for a sequel or at least for the game to be re-released for current consoles. However, a report from Tech Radar reveals that there is now tangible evidence that the sequel may indeed be in the works but this new information hints the new game is in fact a prequel.

The leaked map first popped up in NeoGAF when Mideon revealed the map but did not agree to cite his source. The report then followed up on this and allegedly confirmed that the map was indeed real. However, developers Rockstar have yet to confirm that any of the leaked information is even real or that it comes from an insider source.

According to Tech Radadr, this new map has only been recently designed and that it may find its way into the final game. It is also said to be the final art direction that the developers are going for with the new "Red Dead" title although actual character models have yet to be revealed.

It is also stated that the map is set just to the East of the location from "Red Dead Redemption" and that the events in the new game take place before "Redemption," making the new game a prequel. This will still tie it into "Redemption," unlike how "Red Dead Revolver" was not connected to either of the new titles.

According to the report, the Great Plains from "Red Dead Redemption" can be spotted in the bottom left of the leaked map. Another proof that this is indeed a prequel is the lack of a railroad which should be in the Great Plains, the area that the Blackwater settlement called home.

Rockstar has yet to confirm or announce the existence of a sequel or prequel to "Red Dead Redemption" and the leaked map should still be considered as speculative piece until the developers can confirm that it is indeed going to be in the game.